首页 >玄幻奇幻 >变成艺术女神 > 104.贝斯弹唱


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All the right junk in all the right places(一切的一切都恰到好处)”


“I see the magazines working that photoshop(杂志上的模特都经过PS加工)

We know that shit ain’t real (那不是真实的美)

Come on now make it stop(赶快停下吧)

“because you know I’m all about that bass ‘Bout that bass No treble

I’m all about that bass ‘Bout that bass No treble

I’m all about that bass ‘Bout that bass No treble

I’m all about that bass ‘Bout that bass ”


If you got beauty beauty (如果你觉得自己漂亮)

“Yeah it’s pretty clear (是的很明显)

I ain’t no size two(我一点也不苗条)

But I can shake it shake it (但我依然可以摇摆)

Like I’m supposed to do (跟着节奏上下左右)

‘Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase(因为我有所有男孩梦寐以求的丰臀)

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